I prefer to draw the whole comic strip on paper with lettering and everything- y’know just so I actually have a sketch and a finished piece of art aside from just having a web file to post. But some days, you’ve gotta be a graphic designer and put the pieces and parts down in an efficient manner.
So, I did the layout/sketch (very loosely), then inked panel borders and lettering and bubbles. Then, I made a whole ‘nother sheet of bits and pieces that could be colored and placed where needed.
And voila! after a little digital jazz, there’s a comic strip without a piece of original paper art that you can point to and say “That’s Wednesday’s cartoon.”
Kewl that you moved into the digital age, but by the same token that will cut the number of pencils and inks you can offer as swag 🙂 I understand though how much more efficient it can be.
Eh. It’s not a sea change. Every so often I write a cartoon (design a cartoon? It sounds goofy) that has repeated images and if it’s late enough at night, I do the computer shortcuts. It’ll probably never happen every day. Thought you’d like to see the example, though.
Great example. 🙂
Thanks for showing it and sharing!
Yeah! Virtualousity!
Greg is a Virtualoso!