So, there I was at Heroes Con. I hope next year I can be there (and some other Cons) with Hubris stuff. Would that suit everyone? Would anyone like a book, a shirt, a poster, an autograph or, really, I’m thinking skate decks would be a cool thing to have, but those are pricey.
Old school plaster casts with Hubris drawings, or maybe half of one so it can be hung on the wall.
Actually, I think cast shaped shrink wraps would be more cost effective.
You guys aren’t even talking about sculpture casts made in plaster, are you? You’re talking about fake broken arms, right? That’s not bad. Not bad at’all.
Right, the gauze and plaster part that goes around a broken arm. Or plastic wrappers with those ‘funny pictures’ on them you can slip over a real cast and shrink to fit with a hair blower. Hubris adhesive bandages, ace bandage, or first aid kit box would be great too. Maybe you could get in touch with one of the companies that does shrink wraps for hard hats, and see if they can’t print some for bike helmets.