Jimmy Johnson, who writes and draws ‘Arlo N Janis’ was in town to sign his new book today.  Some of the local cartoonists came to visit him at the bookshop, and here we are crowding around him trying to get some of the magic to rub off on us.  No idea if it worked, as security ejected us moments later.  We was holdin’ up the line, they say.  Pah.  Hundred and fifty people or so.  They weren’t much of a line, so much as a MOB.  Crabby… never mind.  Jimmy sure is a nice guy.

P.S.  As there are a fair few Arlo N Janis readers now wandering over here from Jimmy Johnson’s blog, I would like to point out that the comments about the ‘Mob’ above are utterly sarcastic.  Most of Mr. J’s readers are intuitive and learned, and no doubt caught the sarcasm. I’m not fooling myself that the InterWebs are the best place for expressing sarcasm for those who aren’t lookin’ for it, though.  For all of you guys, I’m pointing out that the comment about Mr. J was serious.  He wrote me a intro to a comic strip collection I did in the 80’s.  Don’t go puncturing my tires in the dark of night, ‘K?  And, while I’m confessing, we didn’t really get thrown out.  And we only held up the line a little bit. And folks were all very nice about it.

So anyhow, that’s Andrew Chandler, me, Jimmy Johnson in the front, then Kevin Williams and Jim Palmer in the back.