You know what you should never ever do? Read comics and keep an eye out for exposition pages and panels. You know those panels- the ones where the characters hand you all the Catch-Up Cliff’s Notes for the story you’re in… What’s worse is when you see those movies and TV shows whose creators somehow managed to keep their jobs even though everything seems to be characters either catching you up on things, or saying stuff that just repeats the action you’re seeing anyway. Oh, and commercials? Don’t ever stop to think of all the logical mistakes in advertising’s attempts to convince you to buy anything. It never stands up to scrutiny. Oh, oh, you know what else you can’t do? Read a novel, and pick out how many adverbs and adjectives there are. Oh… My… Head. Also, never read a Larry McMurtry book and wait for him to use any word other than ‘said’ in place of the word ‘said’. You darn near can’t stand to read the book once you spot that. Said, said, said, said, said, said… it’ll just ruin it for you.
So. Don’t do that stuff, for sure.