It’s too easy, and therefore becomes to hard, to give a name to a large and frightful character. ‘Victor’ ‘Frankenstein’ ‘Adolph’… And that’s just keeping it in the Teutonic vein- we didn’t even start into things like ‘Vlad’ or ‘Imhotep’. There are others, more common and thus calling less attention to themselves: Oskar, Jakob, Jürgen, Ernst, Schultz, Dieter… Stuff with lots of ‘k’ sounds and unfamiliar consonant sets. The umlaut was hard not to jump at. “Helmut”, though. Man, why have I NOT used that name in this strip before now?
Apparently, Helmut’s had a long day. He knows, or at least assumes that others know, that he’d take the shots and stay in the game. So Helmut calls the training day to a close, and everyone goes home to treat their wounds, physical and emotional.