So, there’s THIS THING, and if you want to contribute, it had better by quick… and I’ll give you a sneak peek at my page.
Posts Tagged Lord Lionel
Here’s some more Lord Lionel from way back. It was probably the first real attempt I made at creating a viable, syndicatable feature. If the third one down looks familiar, then you can scroll back through the old ‘other cartoons‘ section until you spot the more artsy-looking version I showed off earlier.
When I was just a little cartoonist, drooling over the notion that I could someday be a star, Charles Marshall and I did this thing with Caliber Press-
It had a whole bunch of cartoons about Batch (anyone notice a family resemblance to Hubris?) and ‘The Adventures of Lord Lionel’, which I was also trying to get the syndicates’ attention with. It also had Jim Palmer’s ‘Li’l E’ cartoons- his were the best drawn of the bunch. I’ll post some of Batch later.