Oops. This cartoon was supposed to appear yesterday. Sorry ’bout that. I uploaded it to Patreon Monday night, and then somehow got sidetracked before I could load it up to run here, too.
Well, the Patrons at Patreon pay good money, they might as well get an extra day for their patronage. And now, you have the cartoon too!
Plus, the next one is all done and queued up for Friday. I’ll get an extra cartoon in here to make up for the missed day at some point.
Tomorrow, I’m going to sit in a comic shop all day and sign copies of Stoned Ninja #3. I did the pencils and inks on it. If you’d like your own copies of such a thing, you’ll need to go to stoned.ninja. Tell ’em Greg sent you. The website should be updating soon- the kickstarter is over.