If the Fest keeps attracting random people, soon there won’t be anyone who’s just standing around watching. Everyone will be playing.
That might be best.
If the Fest keeps attracting random people, soon there won’t be anyone who’s just standing around watching. Everyone will be playing.
That might be best.
Ooooops. This was supposed to have gone up earlier this week.
In fact, I thought it HAD gone up earlier this week. I was convinced you had all seen it by now.
My bad.
At any rate, here it is!
Jacquée’s gonna have to have a talk with the guys back at the studio. The fellows got lazy, and just ran some stock footage thinking we wouldn’t notice.
Our local paper did something similar back when Gannett bought ’em up. They moved most of the grunt work to Nashville, since they’re trying desperately to centralize operations and cut costs. Unfortunately, it led to an advertisement from Gannett itself saying how much they cared about Memphis and its newspaper readers (200 miles away from Nashville) and the photo they chose to run with the ad wasn’t Memphis, but, in fact, Nashville.
They make these gigantic books called ‘Artist Editions’ of old comics and stuff. Ginormous pages like two feet tall. I finally ponied up for one of MAD comics. (Before the Magazine, MAD was a comic book)
Anyhow, the pages are photographic shots of the original art pages, so you can see erasures and some pencil lines, and the zip-a-tone they used for gray areas, and the various pen and brush strokes. It’s awesome.
On the other hand, it makes me feel inadequate, so it also sucks.
But it makes me pay more attention to my brush lines and lettering, so it’s awesome.
But it makes me wish even more that I could dawdle and take my time over every panel of Hubris and I can’t, so it sucks.
What about you guys? Anything you know of that has both Awesomeness and Suckitude?
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