I just know that someday, Chick-Fil-A’s board of directors will be so far removed from the originator’s intent that they won’t be able to understand that not being able to get their sandwiches on Sunday actually makes them more desirable every…other…day.
And on that day, they will open on Sundays, and their inevitable slide into oblivion will begin.
And the board of directors will all still get their bonuses.
The idea of a business being closed on Sunday doesn’t bother me as long as I know they’re closed before I drive up there.
Oh, and I see the strip is dated 4/28/2019…a Sunday.
the weird thing is that, yes, it’s a sunday… Next sunday.
?let’s do the time warp… AGAAAAINNN?
I didn’t catch the date. That’s extra funny.
I cleaned one of those on a Sunday. You would not BELIEVE the flack I caught for DARING to be inside AND NOT COOKING!! “Lady.. I am just the cleaning crew. The sign says CLOSED SUNDAYS.. It’s a thing..”
“Are you SUUUUUURE??”
Every damn week..
We walked into a Chik Filet on a Sunday once. They were having some get together for ther employees. We were not happy to leave empty handed and hungry.
And I don’t support either as they are both Anti-LGBTQIA. Indeed, both donate money to businesses and charities and political lobbies to destroy LGBT rights. I enjoy this strip, please don’t make me boycott it.