Merry Christmas (and Happy Holidays to readers who don’t do the Christmas)
And to that one lady- Yes, I know it’s very distressing to you to hear that ‘Christmas’ the word is originally a Catholic term. But, really, that’s okay. Just breathe. And think about it. It’s fine. Really. Enjoy.
Also, just like last year, I’m not going to be updating regularly during the week between Christmas and New Year. Sorry about that. Lots to do! Hang with me, though. More coming!
Happy Christmas, Merry New Year, hope nobody gives you a frequent tripper pass (9 punches and the 10th visit is free) for the ER because you NEED it… and no more meeting trail and skatepark stuff with your face.
In otherwords, hope you spend a lot of time in a turkey and good food coma with your family and friends. 🙂
Have fun, everyone.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to Team “US”, Hurbis, Kara, Paste, Bob, Geoff Cravens and his Family, and Greg and his family.
May the Blessings of The Lord fall upon you as fresh snow falls upon Toronto.
Have a great holiday season, sir; your stuff is worth waiting for.
Just wanting to see if my new gravatar shows up or not.
Yay it did. And that’s a true story, some dude in New South Wales taught some rodents to ride…
Cool gravitar. Rodent to ride what? Is it the rat that rides a cat that rides a dog?
Apparently little skateboards around a mini skatepark he built in his backyard.
Neat. Thanks!