When you start trying to find a way to look at something you’ve done that puts you in the best light…
Chances are that the light was pretty sketchy, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone looking for better, right?
I said that in my ‘Dad’ voice. You knew that, di’ncha?
Why would Hubris want them back? What’s he going to do, set fire to them for the evening’s big bonfire event? Use them as barriers to hide behind for the paintball wars? Fire pits for the mobile BBQ cookoffs? If so, we’re just helping by making it easier to keep track of them in the meantime.
I’m reading the comic and go “Hey, me again! With less grey hair!” and realize I’m wearing a red shirt and have headphones on. Just like the comic.
“Get out of my head, Greg!!!”
If it were my fest, there would be an auction for the wagons, with an autographed photo of how they got broken.
As a woman on the radio in Vermont, said. “You didn’t know whose it was? Well you knew whose it WASN’T!”
I doubt they’d be usable for anything other than planters. Random Guy has a good idea though. Hubris could get some of the money back that he paid for them, unless he rented everything. At least all the parts are in one place now.
I’m going to have to remember that one CAMERON Su BUSTER.
@[James Lindley]:
I’m picturing a “Pyramid”-style planter:
1)__Place 4 wagons in a 2-by-2 formation, & bind them in place
2)__With hammer-&-nail, puncture a drainage-hole in the floor of each corner
3)__Place a single wagon on-top, with 1 wheel in each of the 4 lower wagons
4)__Repeat Step_2
5)__Continue building pyramid-layers in this fashion
6)__Load the wagons with soil-&-plants
7)__Enjoy your “Hanging Garden of Little Red Wagons”
… as a slightly more “2-D” alternative, stack the wagons as though they were “bricks in a wall”, stretched-out enough so that they all get enough sunlight.
Law of acquisition. Just like my old Platoon Sergeant used to say “If it ain’t bolted down, locked up or, or marked, it’s there for the finding and keepin.” Of course I never taught my scouts that.
Standard rule of plunder in SF fandom: If it’s not nailed down, it’s yours. If it can be pried loose, it’s not nailed down.”
You forgot: If I can phaser it loose, it’s not nailed down (slogan of the Orion Salvage Company)
It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Let’s hose ’em down!
Donated….free for the taking. Rented….must return or forfeit deposit. Purchased…..get your use out of them!!!
And verify with the landowner about using the hill after the fest.
Be responsible. (I nearly choked saying that.?)
Iffin I owned that hill, sure you can go down it a couple of more times. I get to use a wagon and join you… and no liability. You meet a rock it’s YOUR insurance, not mine. I meet a rock, my problem.
This seems like something I would indeed do. XD