Happy Frickin’ Tax Day, for those of you in the U.S.
Happy Wednesday, for the rest of you lucky dogs.
Happy Frickin’ Tax Day, for those of you in the U.S.
Happy Wednesday, for the rest of you lucky dogs.
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Sounds like Paste hasn’t gotten to do shovel one clod of turf yet.
What doesn’t Paste understand about ‘my lawn not yours’ ?
(friend’s youngest son really got into skateboarding and he had a rather thick booklet he’d bought stashed in the bathroom on how to build your own ramps and stuff, and it carefully said at the beginning about getting so hyped you find lumber that isn’t yours to build your stuff…don’t do that!)
Stay tuned. Betting this one takes Kelly walking past stupidly and Paste chasing him down like Crazy Dog Lady after Chase R. Ambule…
Man, I gotta get some popcorn. It’s one of those strips.
Hubris: “Look at the bottom of the boy’s skate deck. What does it say?”
Cranky: “No Fear.”
Hubris: “Questions?”
Cranky: “Nothing about ‘no bleedin’ to death’?”
Hubris: “Nope, nothing on that.”
Cranky: “Eat 4-footie cane, punk!” [whack][whack][whack]
Those 4-footie canes are hard to whack with. The single ended or even a walker with seat and wheels works better… (you don’t want to know the gory details about how I know this)
A bit difficult, I agree, but I am told on good authority that it handles like a mace, hammer, axe, or warhammer.
Axe, not. Warhammer, not enough bottom weight. A weak fako hammer maybe, wrong balance for a mace unless you grab it at least a third down from the handle. Aka I’d rather have a normal cane to wield first. First party experience… I’d rather have a wheeled and seated walker to swing. Two hands, and a lot more to crash down on or poke someone with.
True it is an inferior weapon, but it handles like a top heavy weapon. A proper grip will do wonders, though it’s round “shaft” makes it kinda awkward. The crook is a nice counter weight though, but makes the weapon awkward.
I want to carve the stock for and take two nice cylinders of blued steel and make a fake 8 gauge shotgun to lean on. It wouldn’t be functional so I could carry it legally, but it’d look badass enough that the next time I end up caning it through my life I could just lean on it and GRIN that sort of unsettled grin that would make them LEAVE.
Or buy one of these…
TSOJ: That’s a cartoon I wanna see!
Hmm… good point.
scary paste getting a look of what he will be when he is old
What was worse, Greg sketched Paste in fatigues with a flattop high and tight, and THAT was scarier! (oh and he also gave us Paste’s last name then too, as there was ‘FORTIS’ on the pocket….)