Get out the hose an file this one pronto with the delivery company and the insurance. Delivery wasn’t properly delivered, and shipment was trashed by the driver… the environmental stuff and the hazmat to clean up the fuel and other residue, is also the delivery service’s problem.
Poor Hubris, hope the supplier can overnight some more.
Since when was spraying water on a fuel and oil fire (or potential fire) a good idea?
…This scene actually reminded me of the fire extinguisher held by Butterfingers the Robot in the IronMan movie. Sploosh. I wouldn’t be surprised if the firetruck was a Tachikoma…
You want to get the “go up in flames like a rocket” part to be as far away from the “red hot, glowing like a coal engine” part as you can get it. Or, to get the “red hot” part to be “not so much red and hot”, as a second resort.
As everyone else has already noted: This is not Hubris’ problem.
He did not take delivery of anything. His only problem will be if the paintball company can not ship a second batch in time. Please don’t put any of this on Hubris, it breaks our “disbelief” that this is not real.
“You take the blue balls, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red balls, you stay in Greg’s head, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
Get out the hose an file this one pronto with the delivery company and the insurance. Delivery wasn’t properly delivered, and shipment was trashed by the driver… the environmental stuff and the hazmat to clean up the fuel and other residue, is also the delivery service’s problem.
Poor Hubris, hope the supplier can overnight some more.
Million paint balls? Make some phone calls to manufacturers. Easy peasy. If he’s desperate Amazon.
Score: Driver two tags, firefighters two tags… both in style.
Kara: “Can you hit me with the hose again? I got surgery in 10 minutes and I might as scrub here as anywhere.”
“might as well”
Since when was spraying water on a fuel and oil fire (or potential fire) a good idea?
…This scene actually reminded me of the fire extinguisher held by Butterfingers the Robot in the IronMan movie. Sploosh. I wouldn’t be surprised if the firetruck was a Tachikoma…
You want to get the “go up in flames like a rocket” part to be as far away from the “red hot, glowing like a coal engine” part as you can get it. Or, to get the “red hot” part to be “not so much red and hot”, as a second resort.
As everyone else has already noted: This is not Hubris’ problem.
He did not take delivery of anything. His only problem will be if the paintball company can not ship a second batch in time. Please don’t put any of this on Hubris, it breaks our “disbelief” that this is not real.
“You take the blue balls, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red balls, you stay in Greg’s head, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
Take both and transcend.
they are going to need another blast of that hose before the balls harden on them.
And paintballs are flammable:
Don’t try this at home…
Purple is a nice color. Except when you’ve been dipped in a thick coat of it. Hope it washes off & he can get some more somewhere.
Note the hairdos resemble Chase R Ambule’s?
Gods I hope they get that stuff off before it sets that way.
Double gaaak, Hubris is a blonde, that stuff is going to dye his hair, I bet. Hubris as a punker, not quite!