David could probably tell you what footwear would be suitable for an afternoon round of golf versus a morning tee time, and variations based on weather.
It’s just that the idea of various footwear for doing anything Paste does is a little beyond him.
He also couldn’t pick out a good pair of deer hunting boots if you bet him a substantial amount of money and gave him five choices to pick from.
Now I see why Paste is what he is…
BTW Greg, your lines are not doing justice to either of them. Busy nowadays?
“Boardskating is pointless. Now are you going to show me how to be pointless, or not?”
Paste is right. Correct gear is important. However I knew a person who scaled a climbing wall using his cowboy boots instead of climbing shoes.
But the real point is the pointless remark. It’s not pointless!
Huh! He CARES for the old man!
Is David about to see that there’s a gap in the myriad types of kicks that needs to be filled, and a better product than phone covers for Paste to endorse?
So that’s my problem. Wrong shoes. Here all this time I thought it was because I was an uncoordinated klutz.
I’ve been turned into a necromancy experiment. I got a bone graft to repair my ruptured tendon. No more back flip mctwists for me! Not that Icould successfully complete one before…
Mom: Doctor, doctor! Will my son be able to play the piano, after the operation?
Doctor: Yes, m’am, he’ll be able to play just fine.
Mom: That’s wonderful! He never could, before…
I guess you could say that I am finally making something of myself, but I don’t think ‘a collage’ is what my mother had in mind…t
I’m impressed! Paste is actually able to articulate his reasons quite well.
Then he goes and says that. Never mind… 😛
Wow… The very idea of anyone saying no to David made his Italian shoes turn WHITE.
Incidentally I’m a David and also of Italian decent, but my shoes are definitely not Italian. They’re WalMartian. And they turn different colors just because they’re being worn instead of sitting on the shelf. (Life advice for anyone who wants it: you probably shouldn’t invest in Walmart (or Sportsmart (or Tarmart)) footwear.)