I don’t believe Durnell judges himself as harshly as Dusty’s writer. Or Dusty. Or anyone, really.
Durnell wears crazy stuff and does crazy stuff for the camera. If you’re gonna judge yourself harshly, that is NOT the job you want to have while you’re doing it.
Durnell just don’t give a durn.
He’ll gladly give them ‘ell.
Greg, please bring back Hubris. After all, he is the title character. It has been far too long since we have seen him.
Okay. He’s on his way. I know, ’cause the cartoons have already run on Patreon. They get here later.
I find all this backstory stuff interesting. It will be especially good to see Durnell deal Dusty her comeuppance.
There’s not much happening with Hubris in the forest.
Tell you what… The sooner Durnell gives Dusty her comeuppance, the sooner we can see how Hubris is doing, okay?
Perhaps Kara drags her doctor beau on some crazy camping trip, and just happens to come across our hero with his raccoon sidekicks, yes?
“Hey Dusty! Cassowary!”
James 2:24