If you want to make sure folks go where you want them, you either reward them for doing what you’re asking, or punish them for not doing what you’re asking.
In other words, you order half a truckload of good stuff, and half a truckload of lousy stuff. Then say, “Go get ’em!”
Hubris should have added, “Your move!”
Hmm. I move now, I grab someone’s triathalon bike, I get to the river first, and I either find the keys in the truck ignition, or I jump the wires. You guys feel free to hang around here and tell me how the cornholers turn out.
hotwire the truck and work on it while watching.
I did not say that
Hubris said truckloads. He didn’t say anything about the trucks still being there. I’m sure he’s smart enough to not leave trucks setting about with this crowd.
You have been advised!
Well played sir. Very well played.
That’s how you do if people.