“Well, I’m back.”

Three guesses as to the name of the book that used that as its final words.

Apologies for the long, long, loooong delay.  Life had to be lived, bills had to be paid, work had to get deadlined.

So- anyone remember where we were?  It was a dark and stormy night.  Something like that.  Ryan and his brother Mal, and Mal’s close friend Shelley, are driving to the fishing cabin where they were expected by Ryan’s fishing buddies.  Their names, according to the cartoon above, include “Big Ron”.  And according to your memories of The Great Stanky Creek Outdoorfest Part 2, the other fisherman would be Duke.  He must have been the guy filling out the Stanky Creek paperwork, too, ’cause the name of their team was “Them Duke Boys.” and you can’t trust Duke to fill out paperwork without some antic being perpetrated.

I don’t think I ever wrote that into the cartoons.  That’s just background for you.  (“Background” means stuff I meant to include in the story, then didn’t have room or inclination for)

Also, if anyone knows how to dig into the Dashboard on these dang websites and get things working correctly, by all means, get in touch and tell me how to fix this one.