You know… It’s totally an indicator as to how bad things have gotten when you agree to stuff that would have sounded insane if you had been, say, sitting in your own place all dry and warm and fed and not being stormed upon.
Things have gotten REALLY bad when you start gauging the acceptability of a plan that includes hunkering down under a dead tree and waiting for the end of… the end of… well… anything, really.
It’s beginning to look like Hubris is getting his fill of backpacking. I wonder if he’s beginning to regret selling his nice warm, dry store.
You mean… he may want to retire from his retirement?
Still less stressful than running the store. At least the raccoons are smart enough to avoid widow makers too.
Was the store the problem, or the “Outdoor ‘Fest” Hubris let everyone talk him into?
I’m thinking he may consider a different form of retirement. Something more like what (dare I say) regular people would do. Like find shelter in a fancy hotel with room service.
After something like this, can we really blame him?
As if I didn’t have enough reasons to not be out in that kind of weather!
Why am I sensing a journey by improvised dugout canoe in Hubris’ future?
Okay, so we’ve got–what–at least 6 groups converging so far…
1) Hubris and the raccoons
2) Kara and Steve
3) Mal, Shelly, Mal’s brother and friends
4) Durnell, Clem, Kelly and someone who might be–or be related to–Bigfoot
5) Bob, Nikki and the OGS executive crew (or did Nikki get out of that?)
6) Amber and Ambre; the Jello Wrestling Gals
… all converging in a mountain town, during a torrential rain storm, downstream of a poorly-maintained dam.
Did I leave anybody out, other than the dam crew and inspectors?
It all sounds pretty straightforward. What could go wrong?
The damn dam is shaping up to be a participant in its own right! :-O
Hearing thunder is bad. Hearing the hiss of the lightning before the thunder is really bad.