I’m sure the fluffy pink handcuffs were a slick notion- while everyone else was tying bandanas around their ankles, the OMG team were getting that smart set of clicks as the cuffs ratcheted down onto them, where, fuzzy or not, I bet they were a darn sight less fun to run in than a scrap of cheap cotton.
Also, D.J. is probably gonna GET it, when… y’know…they don’t have to be within arm’s reach of retaliation.
The handcuff keys for those is massively simple plus there should be a release button on that type of cuffs. SO if a few adults are playing adult CONSENSUAL games, if the safeword is used they can be released NOW. Someone just needs to root through those feathers and find the button….
What happened to Team Eurosphorten (forgive the spelling at this hour), they were marching off in synchronized stride at the start?
One key will unlock 98% of all handcuffs in the world.
OMG! Guys! If you talk to anyone in Team US, you’ll find at least one person there (me) that knows people on Team ModernRogue, Team Lockpickinglawyer, and Team Bosnianbill. Heck, pay me in funnel cakes and I’ll even introduce you to Team DeviantOlam… At least one of you has a pen knife and a can of cola, right?
Hey I love LockpickingLawyer
Someone needs to pee