The truth is stranger than fiction, and alas, speak the truth and nobody believes you; make up a good fibber and the grocery store checkout ragmags and the social media will pick it up as their new cause… oh well.
I think Kara’s receptionist should be used to all of this by now…
The truth is stranger than fiction, and alas, speak the truth and nobody believes you; make up a good fibber and the grocery store checkout ragmags and the social media will pick it up as their new cause… oh well.
I think Kara’s receptionist should be used to all of this by now…
We got “change” for ya, right here
Receptionist: “I think those were English words, but the combinations of words that you used don’t match any English I know.”
hahahaha love that receptionist. 😀
lol love the receptionist joke about kara needing some more sense. sorry she lost that hooking up with hubris
“Lunch” *snicker*