I’m trying to eat healthier these days.
Easter time is NOT an optimal time for that kind of thing. Waaaay too many candy eggs around.
I’m trying to eat healthier these days.
Easter time is NOT an optimal time for that kind of thing. Waaaay too many candy eggs around.
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Oh these two are such a perfect couple. I’m willing to stop by the shop if I can break the fourth wall, some day, and marry them for free.
Hubris DID give in to get his way (aka have her agree to cheeseburgers, real ones). Hehehehe
I too want to break the 4th wall and be in Hubris.
It was awesome to be drawn into Dec. 11, 2011’s “The Buckets” but this is a more awesome comic. LOL
Really? I gotta go look that up.
January 13th through 15th, 2011 . Alright!
Hubris cheats. He only eggs on Kara when he knows she’s fuller than him.
Mm, boiled eggs and spinach! *really
I have trouble to believe Kara would openly loose even if it’s for a revenge. hehe.
Big red CANNNNDY LIKE button!!
You have to admit he has an edge over her… He ate that sort of thing all the time before she came along. And I Doubt this is the first time he’s gotten into a marathon of non-puking in all that time. She, on the other hand… Well, in sailing terms, she’s sitting a lil low in the water there. XD
Why does she seem to go everywhere in scrubs? Doesn’t she own any other clothes?
Only on weekdays is she in scrubs. Also Hubris wears the same shirt/shorts. Paste at least goes around in the buff, if you’re into variety
Yes, but Hubris’ shirt and shorts might be his store colours, and are common outdoor clothes anyway. Surely the whole POINT of scrubs is that they are restricted to the workplace?
kara might as well start blowing chucks at hubris for he will never admit to something like that she won ever. not in his nature