Do you realize, how dangerous it is for a person of the female persuasion to say “I’m naked!”?!? You could give men whiplash, cause accidents … you have to be careful with your superpower, ESPECIALLY on the interwebs. *LOL*
Oh come on, bloggers aren’t That bad… Are they??
[wonders about it, given how I do have a livejournal but maybe that doesn’t count since I seldom remember to update it regularly]
Eer, is blogging like a disease or something… Can a person have it just like maybe Mildly like a minor rash of poison sumac instead of a full blown one?
Bloggers are fine- and in this cartoon, the cryptid (who might not appreciate all the paranormal bloggers writing about him) doesn’t want them on the course because he obviously wanted to cheat a little, and now knows he can’t since the bloggers will out him instantly.
Unofficial journalists not bound to any credence save the willing suspension of disbelief on the internet? Sweet baby jesus.
Kidding aside, I can’t fault bloggers. Blogs, Blags and Wikileaks keep the 1984 government-types at bay.
Is that guy a naked mole rat in a running suit? Or just a rat?
I think he is just a normal rat who has passed middle-age.
Yeah, this should happen in real life. Just promise them a box of donuts, some Red Bull, and that they won’t have to ride home with their mothers.
He’s signed in with Team Wukilar, under the name Chupa Cabra. I think he might be foreign.
I was wondering if anyone here would pick up on that (especially given yesterday’s strip on GoComics.) So, he’s a foreign mole. Rats.
Does he eat goat blood for supper?
I’m naked right now!! (Under muh clothes..)
Do you realize, how dangerous it is for a person of the female persuasion to say “I’m naked!”?!? You could give men whiplash, cause accidents … you have to be careful with your superpower, ESPECIALLY on the interwebs. *LOL*
Okaaaaaaaaay.. I’m Female!!
The men who get whiplash, or into accidents, COULD SUE you for causing them. 😛
They could claim it was negligence or willful … something. *LOL*
I thought that stuff only went on here in the ‘states. They got ever-excited lawyers in Canadia, too, huh?
Oh come on, bloggers aren’t That bad… Are they??
[wonders about it, given how I do have a livejournal but maybe that doesn’t count since I seldom remember to update it regularly]
Eer, is blogging like a disease or something… Can a person have it just like maybe Mildly like a minor rash of poison sumac instead of a full blown one?
Bloggers are fine- and in this cartoon, the cryptid (who might not appreciate all the paranormal bloggers writing about him) doesn’t want them on the course because he obviously wanted to cheat a little, and now knows he can’t since the bloggers will out him instantly.
Unofficial journalists not bound to any credence save the willing suspension of disbelief on the internet? Sweet baby jesus.
Kidding aside, I can’t fault bloggers. Blogs, Blags and Wikileaks keep the 1984 government-types at bay.