The title of today’s strip was shown to me as a rebus. A rebus is not a kind of monkey they do testing on. It’s a picture puzzle. At the time, I was working at a screen print operation, and the other artist on staff was told to be more efficient. He said he’d make a sign to remind him.
It was a big letter ‘A’, and a fish, an ampersand, and a letter ‘C’, if I remember right. I was very amused.
That has nothing to do with anything today, except that I’m amused by Durnell’s idea of efficiency.
Why am I thinking about the George Jones song “The Last Thing She Gave Me Was The Bird”?
Durnell does look at things rather interestingly.
Okay, “The Last Thing I Gave Her Was The Bird”.
When you tell someone “they’re stacked,” a pile of bodies prepped and waiting to go to the hospital is not the first image that comes to mind. Durnell needs to be aware of this if the ambulance crew consists of Babewatch babes.
You’re still an ape though, Greg.
Hope he is triaged them first. Less injured on the bottom. More serious on top. That way it helps at the unloading.