You guys know I do a newspaper cartoon, right?

It’s called ‘The Buckets’, and if you’d like it in YOUR newspaper, then you should contact said paper and send them HERE to THIS LINK, and they can get all the information from the syndicate about running it.

It’s funny, it’s topical, and best of all, it’s monstrously inexpensive, if my monthly royalty checks are anything to go by.  Newspapers listen to their readers- a little.  They check through the comment sections under their online articles anyhow.  So send ’em to Universal Syndicate and let ’em know The Buckets is a comic strip you’d like them to run.  Mention advertising rates.  That always perks ’em up.

Or, if you want your local paper to run Hubris?  They can contact me here at this site through the ‘contact’ or ’email’ buttons.  And so long as they let me put ‘’ on the cartoon for the title?  They can run it for free. At least until a syndicate’s willing to sell it to them for me. Then it’s money, pal.

There you go- Seven Buckets a week for a smallish pittance, or Hubris as many times a week as they care to run it until they’ve burned through the archive, for FREE.  Newspapers everywhere, rejoice.


