Here’s page 3 of Weirdbeard. Hope you’re enjoying these things. And yes, I know that Boma, Zaire wasn’t around in what was thought of as ‘Pirate Days’, but YOU try finding a city that starts with a B in a country that starts with a Z. Tricky. You bend the rules of time and space just to finish the poem.
I’m loving the Weird Beard the Pirate stuff. It reminds me a lot of Shel Silverstein’s poetry with some really cool art work. Whereas Hubris’ art and line work remind me of Groo the Conqueror by Sergio Argones (I’m sure I spelled his last name wrong, it’s been a long time since I read Groo) Weird Beard reminds me of more contemporary work I’ve seen in titles like Catwoman and Elf Quest. Definitely two very different planes of work, both very nice to look at and entertaining to read.
I’m surprised you haven’t gotten more comments on it actually.
As to whether or not Boma, Zaire is accurate well, I’m not entirely sure Brisbane would have been around then either. But it’s no big, it’s not like you were aiming for historical perfection here. Just something fun to read and nice to look at. And That you have accomplished. =)
Why, thanks! I’m glad you like it!