I video’d myself drawing this one- in that stop-motion sorta video, so it only takes, like, 28 seconds to letter and draw the whole thing. It’s nuts. Anyhow, it’s available to see if you’re a Patron of Hubris at Patreon. It’ll show up in your email inbox and you can look at it.
Or you could go looking around online, I guess. It’s out there somewhere.
Anyhow, I penciled really quick because I was afraid the video would be boring if I didn’t move along. I had fun making all the decisions as I inked instead of working them out more carefully in pencil first.
One of these days, I’ll pencil a whole strip slow and easy and video that for you while I talk about the aforementioned decisions made as I draw. That’ll be fun. Patrons will know when it’s ready. It’ll show up in your email.