Yes, this again. Some commenters at The Buckets on Gocomics have even noticed that I haven’t been commenting as frequently as I used to. Fact is, I’ve been working on a children’s book for a corporate client, and by golly, those things take forever. After a long haul, I’m finally nearing completion of the art on this latest book, and I’ve GOT to get the final look-through done. There’s always something on EVERY page that needs tweaking, and it’s sorta nice going through them and saying “Wow, I last worked on this page six weeks ago- how did I NOT notice this guy’s ear is too high up on the side of his head?” Objective eyes come from looking again after time.
Anyhow, I ought to be back on track in the next day or two. Hang tight!
That’s alright, you just do what ya gotta. I could wish you one of my mellow pills, but. We know when life let’s you get past the rapids, flipped over, and on the air side of the calm pool, you’ll get back to us. GitRdun! We’ll wait.
Get the money coming in.
Then you can take us all out to lunch, Greg!
We can wait. We’re patient.
Your work is worth waiting for. Thanks for all the smiles.
*twiddles my thumbs waiting for ya to get a new comic up.*
I’ve said this before, I will say it again. YOU OWE US NOTHING!! Get some drawings, some guest strips or just some adventure pics. TAKE A MONTH OFF. We will be here. Build a REAL buffer.
I find it funny that he is apologizing for not taking the time to respond to commenters. I have comment on this strip in the past, and was amazed that he took the time to comment back. Would anyone expect a cartoonist to do that? Can you imagine the great Watterson writing a comment (especially how notoriously reclusive he is)? Or Schultz? (Maybe Pastis would, he’s funny that way). Or God forbid if Brooke McEldowney did (especially since he demanded Gocomics to take down the comment board on his strips – because if he did respond it would probably be as condescending as his strips tend to be).
So do what you need to do Mr. Cravens, we’ll wait.
HA! I’m just getting caught up and see that you used “my” comic for your placeholder! Sweet! 🙂