I don’t think Nikki knows how Bob’s universe works.
I don’t either, but I’m not in today’s strip, am I?
I don’t think Nikki knows how Bob’s universe works.
I don’t either, but I’m not in today’s strip, am I?
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Now and zen. Zen is now, and after now is zen. Now, zen, what’s next?
Good one, though now I’m stuck with a german accent in my head.
Nikki, just do what you always do, eh?
Ignore the boss, and keep the store running.
Not even Bob knows how Bob’s universe works.
…& that’s because he doesn’t NEED to know that.
All Bob needs to do is look around him, & see that the Universe is clearly still running-along just fine, & that’s enough to assure him that the Universe is still working…
…it’s not his job to learn just HOW it works.
Just let the Universe “do it’s thing”, & don’t get in it’s way, & it’ll all work out just fine.
It always has before.
Nothing here indicates that this is gonna change anytime soon.
There can be miracles… if you believe…
I love that look in the third panel. Bob is so happy the she finally seems to be figuring out how to live! (Or, at least how HE lives.)
New bosses are rough. If they actually listen if the previous owner/manager (or both) had things running fine and keep things they way they were (and don’t restart bonus, vacation, sick leave and pay raises/promotions at the same time) then the zen will continue. Looks like Hubris has paced for a long trek, maybe the Appalachian Trail, or bike/hike across Europe.
Bob believes it will always work out. Like a song says…You can’t always get what you want…but if you try sometimes…well…..you might find.
You’ll get what you need.
Yeah, but Paste never hit on Bob. It is entirely different for women
I’m not seeing the problem here.
In the past, Nikki has always rebuffed Paste’s advances with calm amusement…
…why would this need to change?
Is she worried that his wild attitude will lead to financial ruin?
Paste is not the ONLY boss … in fact, he’s secondary to his father, who has more sensible self-restraint, & FAR more business acumen.
It’s abrupt, & I “get” how upsetting that this change can be, but when the dust settles, I’m confident that she’ll find that this is not the disaster she’s (currently) fearing it to be.
Sportsmart was just bought up by Home-whatever during the fest, and everyone in management at least laid off. Nikki has reason to fear that something similar could happen to her and Bob.