Thank heaven for modern medicine. I’m surviving my double infection. Not only that, but I’ve been able to continue working on a massively short deadline on a super-massively work-intensive job. During which I’ve been letting the DVDs of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ play in the background. That’s one funny show.
Grateful you are remaining in the world of the somewhat conscious rat-race 🙂 Honest, glad you’re surviving and recovering.
Thanks for feeding our need for more Hubris.
And lordy, thanks be you can’t spread any of those germs to any of us, your fans and readers! As for computer, I practice ‘safe internet’ so… (just for that I know I’ve cursed my antivirus to have a malware smack it a good one)
i just looked at that again, lordy and then some, you drew Jamie Hyneman??????? KEWL (assuming you got permission or it’s gonna be his doppleganger/long lost twin/cousin)
I thought it is called The Big Bang Theory, not Big Bang Theory…
Jamie: “Just pick a name out a hat. No one cares about duct tape and stuff like that, anyway.”
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur . . . .
Is this the first time we’ve seen confirmed proof of what Dusty Trayles looks like?
Who say’s that’s Dusty?? }8^D>
It just *might* be Carrie Bynum, one of the other Mythbuster team, but I think she went lighter with her hair lately…
look at the tags
Doesn’t mean that Greg isn’t taking us on a goosechase… and as Tommy343 comments about Dusty’s phone… maybe she went to powder her nose and left it on the table, unlocked… 🙂
Plus he refers to “Dusty’s iPhone”, you’d think Dusty would be nearby.
Oh my gerd Mythbusters.