Team Wukilar have never seemed to all be on the same wavelength. Yeah, they’re bound together either by the fact that they’re all cosplaying cryptids and/or conspiracy critters, or they are all, in fact, cryptids or conspiracy critters- but they don’t have the fellowship that you expect from people on a team together, do they? More like family of various ages and social persuasions sitting at the same table for a holiday meal. You know someone’s gonna huck the gravy boat, you’re just waiting to see who it’s gonna be… and who’s gonna be the first to say, “I ain’t cleaning that up” and go watch TV.
On the other hand, those Bugaloos- what a fine bunch of kids they seem to be, with their cheery attitudes and utter lack of fashion sense or hip streetwisedness. Plus, there’s only four of them, and that seems to be an issue all of a sudden.
Oh man time overruns will kill. The 5 legged race is going to be at the exact same time as the Shuffleboard it looks like… heh.
Let’s see a hybrid event evolve here….
Step on the Buggaloos! Bubble wrap popping is the best!