This cartoon is a little weird. I’ve said before that some of the cartoons that I’m running now straddle the line between Made-For-Newspapers and Made-For-Web, but this one is especially so- The last panel is in the style of the old OLD newspaper cartoons. I don’t know if anyone that wants to read cartoons about outdoor sports will know anything about Toonerville Trolley or Brining Up Father, but those WERE the days of Abner Doubleday, right? Anybody know who Abner Doubleday was? Anybody? Beuller? Beuller?
Well, I got it at least. Nice vintage look to the last panel–down to the spotty color as if color separated for newspaper reproduction. I recall trying to recreate this look manually when asked to do a poster in 5th grade–the markers I was given to do this task did not have a decent “flesh tone” and so I attempted to make my own as in the comics–everyone looked like they had measles. Still, I’m glad that Photoshop included a filter that will emulate the look. This looks a little classier than that filter though, am I just imagining it or did you use some other process? If so, what?
Here’s the process, the way I like it to make old old comic strips. First, do the color on a separate layer from the blackline. Use only CMY on the color, no black whatsoever. Once you’re done with your color layer, run the ‘halftone’ filter on it. Then you change your blackline layer into something more like indigo (and if your lineweight is heavy enough, make it slightly transparent) and offset it just a tiny, tiny bit. Flatten and select the whole thing, feather the edges of your selection and then give it a nudge toward a yellow cast. There you go.
Ummm…. yeah. “Simple”. 😉