This one came out of a comment in The Buckets- I had the word ‘Darn’ or ‘Dang’ or some such, and a commenter took me to task about how using any word instead of a swear word is exactly the same as using the swear word you’re trying not to use. I didn’t find the argument convincing, but then again, I don’t have to. Supposedly free country, and all.
Some years ago another cartoonist on GoComics used the word ‘freakin” and a reader kvetched about it on similar grounds, the ‘reasoning’ being: Even though you’re not saying the bad word, the word you’re substituting for the bad word means the same as said bad word, so saying the substitute for the bad word is just as bad as saying the bad word itself. No, I wasn’t (nor am I now) any more convinced than you.
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was the same reader who got the vapors over your ‘Darn’ or ‘Dang’ or some such.
Heh… Mully and Skullder…
Charlie Gray – not the smartest, or cleanest, crayon in the box.
or sharpest.
didn’t know that the X-file team had shrunk. hehe
and SINCE when ‘dang it’ is a bad word now?
It’s not the word, it’s the thought that counts.
This one came out of a comment in The Buckets- I had the word ‘Darn’ or ‘Dang’ or some such, and a commenter took me to task about how using any word instead of a swear word is exactly the same as using the swear word you’re trying not to use. I didn’t find the argument convincing, but then again, I don’t have to. Supposedly free country, and all.
Some years ago another cartoonist on GoComics used the word ‘freakin” and a reader kvetched about it on similar grounds, the ‘reasoning’ being: Even though you’re not saying the bad word, the word you’re substituting for the bad word means the same as said bad word, so saying the substitute for the bad word is just as bad as saying the bad word itself. No, I wasn’t (nor am I now) any more convinced than you.
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was the same reader who got the vapors over your ‘Darn’ or ‘Dang’ or some such.
It just sounds to me as thought they’re jealous of your ability to handle euphemisms intelligently.
Ooooh, church kid feels. One time in high school I said “screwed” and everyone around me flinched and looked shocked that I’d use language like that.
How do they expect to survive the H.S.Woodshop-class, if they can’t handle the vocabulary?
… & wasn’t Christ a “Son-of-a-Carpenter”?
Just wait until the 1st time they miss a nail, & whack their thumb with a hammer, & you’ll hear a whole-lot worse than, “Shucky-Darn Dag-Nabbitt!”