The glass guys know what they’re doing. The OGS windows need replacing pretty often, don’t they?
The glass guys know what they’re doing. The OGS windows need replacing pretty often, don’t they?
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And, they just HAPPEN to have the right size glass in stock.
And on the truck already.
In the parking lot.
It’s my contention (and I possibly had it in my notes) that Bob called them before Nikki did, aaaand they just really like being jerks.
Who knew that Apple had Air Tags you could put on people’s windows?
Or, even worse, the adults from Peanuts (Charlie Brown). When it comes to Donald Duck, you at least have SOME idea what he’s saying.
Maybe not every time, but still…
See the hover text. He talks about imagining the other half of the phone conversation in Donald Duck’s voice.
Where can I learn about the characters in this strip? I’ve looked all over.
they keep that size in stock. Not about to replace it with tempered glass because they depend on the repeat business.