Oh, good. Hubris got his fish, Mr. Biner and Steven are going to have some Appleby’s and Kara is going to… No, she’s not getting smoked ribs.
Someone else’s ribs are likely to get smoked now, I bet.
Oh, good. Hubris got his fish, Mr. Biner and Steven are going to have some Appleby’s and Kara is going to… No, she’s not getting smoked ribs.
Someone else’s ribs are likely to get smoked now, I bet.
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Well, it ain’t no Olive Garden.
Eat Local!
Dad isn’t smart enough to ‘eat local’.
Appleby’s must have one heck of a ‘happy meal’ for dear ol’ dad.
They do have great riblets at Appleby’s
When I had to travel for business, I’d get into San Jose late Sunday nights, and the only thing I could find open at that time was Appleby’s. It always seemed to only have snack foods, and not actual dinners. I’d have to settle for a full meal of nacho plates, which is fine within reason, but not very satisfying.
Had half a slab of Corky’s ribs tonight. Yea, they were the frozen ones but still great.
Sides were corn on the cob and some roasted potatoes.
Not heart healthy but it has been salads for lunch and soup for dinner all week. Saving up for this for days.