As long as Durnell doesn’t have Elton John (Signature) rhinestone wonders, it’d work…..
(guess someone has to fill in for the missing Lowell)
Durnell: “But, if’n yur lookin’ fer a buck-toothed rodent, I know where Paste is at the moment…”
Durnit TSOJ! You took my comment! Though I was going to say “…I kin go get Paste fer ya.”
Pay and meals is still pay and meals. Durnell is probably getting a mite hungry from being between gigs, aka unemployed.
That’s the problem with Show People; no show, no dough. Hubie is doing his good deed for the day. The meals may be from the event catering, but the bucks will be out of his profit. And of course, Durnell will crash at Hubie’s house.
lol love the superman joke if nothing else darnell could raid lowels wardrobe for a disquise
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As long as Durnell doesn’t have Elton John (Signature) rhinestone wonders, it’d work…..
(guess someone has to fill in for the missing Lowell)
Durnell: “But, if’n yur lookin’ fer a buck-toothed rodent, I know where Paste is at the moment…”
Durnit TSOJ! You took my comment! Though I was going to say “…I kin go get Paste fer ya.”
Pay and meals is still pay and meals. Durnell is probably getting a mite hungry from being between gigs, aka unemployed.
That’s the problem with Show People; no show, no dough. Hubie is doing his good deed for the day. The meals may be from the event catering, but the bucks will be out of his profit. And of course, Durnell will crash at Hubie’s house.
lol love the superman joke if nothing else darnell could raid lowels wardrobe for a disquise