I usually try to avoid the same old stuff that so many of the other webcomics hinge upon- 20-something sex angst, unadmitted video game addiction, dungeons and fire breathing lizards, and comic book nerdery. But today… I let my inner nerdery fly a bit.
Yer nerdy is fine. Just pull’em back (um)…. heh.
Kara may have a decent team after all. THAT might scare the anesthesiologist straight… heh.
Donny should have kept it up with the original joke. This could have been Kara’s banner year at the fest…
Greg –
You ARE going to reveal the rest of the logo on Donny’s shirt, right?
Black Dentistry? Blame Dentistry? Blasted Dentistry? Blade Dentistry? Blank Dentistry? Blarney Dentistry? (Nah! He looks too big to be a leprechaun)
He may yet be an ogre.
NVM. Just read the tags.
HOLLY GEEZ ON A POGO STICK! will we ever see his face at this rate? okay him and Doctor Pain are GREAT teammates for Kara now.
Fin Fang Foom, Stan must’ve been hitting the bottle when he came up with that name.
Dr. Donnie of Bla… Dentistry
PLEEEEEAAASE tell me his name is Donald Blake.
But… that would at least DOUBLE the amount of comic book nerdery in the cartoon, wouldn’t it?
Well considering what goes on at the Fest….I have a feeling he’ll be Thor regardless in the end. 8-P
…after completing the competition, Dr.Don Blake will be re-named:
“The Mighty Sore”
Y’know, I had to look that up. Too old, I guess. Captain Marvel and Superman were my comics.
GREAT! Even with James T. Kirk, Jonathan Archer, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, and Kathryn Jameway … Team Starfleet has NO chance in hell of winning … yeesh. Maybe I should replace Archer with Q from the Continuum … and replace Janeway with Chancellor Martok …
How can he be a dentist? His fingers won’t fit!
MAYBE he has specially made tools, that fit on his finger tips, like press-on nails?
He has a powerful hammer, of course!
Those teeth don’t stand a chance!
2 pages dated the 27th…
…we are blessed with a double-helping of fun — thank you, Good Sir!