Hey. A cartoonist friend of mine wrote and drew a book. It’s very autobiographical, not in the way that every book is somehow autobiographical, but specifically and sweetly about this one guy’s life and career in cartooning. The fact that he grew up, as many of us did, with one foot planted firmly in the pre-digital world and the other foot desperately seeking a firm place to set in the post digital one is only a little part of his tale, but one I associated with closely.
Click and have a look:
He’s doing all the sales and stuff on his own until a publisher picks it up, so put on your Old School hat and order you a book, if it looks like fun to you. I read the whole thing as soon as I got my copy, surprising myself when I arrived at the end and wondering where the time went. If you have a nice spot outdoors to sit and let the dog nap next to you while you read, I recommend that- it suits the material pretty good.

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