He did LOMBARD!? What’s left? There’s nowhere else he can go. There are no frontiers anymore. There’s nothing left to invent. We might as all sit in front of the TV and watch Real Housewives. [sob]
I visited SanFran a few weeks ago, and I can vouch for Lombard is wussville. I found streets steeper than that, without switchbacks to make them softer, just a few blocks away. I wanna see him time it to go down some of the other ones (they have up to 45 degree, not 38 and switched to make it wussier) and avoid the cable cars, time it for the lights, and make it down some of those! My good friend with a good SUV with very sticky tires (or filled with helium or something) we went up a 42 degree, third car back, caught at a LIGHT and I was wondering if we were going to have to walk, push, or brace for impact as it broke loose. Nope, we made it up alright… made Lombard be true wussville! There are more hills to conquer, I can vouch for that!!!!!!!!!
He did LOMBARD!? What’s left? There’s nowhere else he can go. There are no frontiers anymore. There’s nothing left to invent. We might as all sit in front of the TV and watch Real Housewives. [sob]
What’s left? Try it on water. Paddle swimming? Hey I wonder…
I visited SanFran a few weeks ago, and I can vouch for Lombard is wussville. I found streets steeper than that, without switchbacks to make them softer, just a few blocks away. I wanna see him time it to go down some of the other ones (they have up to 45 degree, not 38 and switched to make it wussier) and avoid the cable cars, time it for the lights, and make it down some of those! My good friend with a good SUV with very sticky tires (or filled with helium or something) we went up a 42 degree, third car back, caught at a LIGHT and I was wondering if we were going to have to walk, push, or brace for impact as it broke loose. Nope, we made it up alright… made Lombard be true wussville! There are more hills to conquer, I can vouch for that!!!!!!!!!