Ooooh, lots and lots of panels!  And an odd number of them, to boot!  Very out-of-the-ordinary.  This whole 2020 thing must have gotten to me.

Maybe I can do even more panels on special days this year.  You know the ones.  Like, 02-02-2020.  That’ll be a fine day.

I bet that date is so entertaining that some crackpot somewhere is predicting that it’ll be the end of the world or something.  Like, y’know… “At 2:20:20 on 02-02-2020 preee-cisely, dadgum if’n it ain’t gon’ be th’ end of th’ dang ol’ world! Get yo’selfs right with Heaven, Y’all!”

But I know what I’m gonna do.

Keep the radio and TV on, ’cause it’ll be that time and day in Australia WAY before it is where I am.   If I hear, on 02-01-2020 (which will be the next day already in Australia) that Australia… I dunno, fell off the planet or burst into flames or something even weirder, then we’ll know that Rev’rund Peavine Forrest Bubba Huckleberry was right.  We’ll have HOURS to say, “Well, doggone if he wasn’t right.  Hey, let’s go loot a store or something before the end of the world.”

Hmm.  That wasn’t at all what I had intended to say today.