I should do a whole thing with Dr. Whobris. That’d be funny, and not at all so specific that it’d severely restrict the number of readers who would enjoy it.
I should do a whole thing with Dr. Whobris. That’d be funny, and not at all so specific that it’d severely restrict the number of readers who would enjoy it.
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Loved seeing the Doctor and her “fam” in the strip. She and Bob are probably old friends.
Are you kidding? She might BE Bob..
That might explain where Bob is at night. Traveling around in his Tardis. Or maybe his shorts is the Tardis, they’re bigger in the inside.
She gottas a bad case o’ Whobris, she does.
“oh it’s doctor Who..”
“what? who is the doctor?”
“it’s doctor Who.”
“you said it but who is the doctor?”
“i said…you know what…nevermind.”
Whatshisname is on 2nd?
When? Tomorrow.
no, WHO!
Isn’t tomorrow pitching?
Whobris!! Yes, please.
I’m just glad I figured it out before I got to the comments section.
*Hasn’t watched any Doctor Who since Matt Smith* xD
Weee this is an awesome early birthday Present for me (It’s the 16th, or Tomorrow)
Happy Birthday!