Mr. Biner has issues. We know this.
He also has some skills. They don’t often get used, what with having limited application in a world that hasn’t become apocalyptic yet, but they are skills nonetheless.
Mr. Biner has issues. We know this.
He also has some skills. They don’t often get used, what with having limited application in a world that hasn’t become apocalyptic yet, but they are skills nonetheless.
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Biner: “You guys paddle like girls! Except for the girl, you’re more like one of the guys, Sweetie!”
Docta Pain: “Gimme that paddle. I’ma killing him…”
Into each life there may be greatness cast, in this case Mr. Biner was gifted with… “The Voice”. Hm, earplugs?
That probably came from his military background. Docta Pain, that’s how it’s done. With confidence and from the diaphragm.
We oldsters have the ability to project our voices over great distances.
It was a skill learned in many places.
As a soldier in war…..guns and bombs are loud.
Raising kids… got to be heard.
Talking on those old dial type Ma Bell phones…..When the operator says “Speak up, you’re calling long distance.”?
My maternal grandfather was an auctioneer (without a mike) part time. He had the lung power to go all day. He also had a family of 13… I in turn in my teen years sang opera. (and thus have no waistline, I do have lung capacity). I definitely get across the room…
In some cases, voice projection just comes naturally… When I announce my stops while driving the bus (city transit bus driver, here…), many people wonder if my voice will get hoarse after the day is over, from all that “yelling” (I can be heard quite well to the back of the bus). I just reply that no, I don’t get sore, because I’m not yelling, I’m just talking loudly…
A few years ago, during our church Christmas concert, we were doing “Christmas through the ages”, with each song representing a different era. One of my roles in that concert was to be a town cryer… In a room packed with 300+ spectators, they heard me just fine, to the back of the room, without a mic. The next day, as we were taking the set down, the sound man happened to have his Db levels measuring tool, so we took a stab at it: I redid my spiel from the night before, and he measured me at 107Db!