Ooooh, lots and lots of panels! And an odd number of them, to boot! Very out-of-the-ordinary. This whole 2020 thing must have gotten to me.
Maybe I can do even more panels on special days this year. You know the ones. Like, 02-02-2020. That’ll be a fine day.
I bet that date is so entertaining that some crackpot somewhere is predicting that it’ll be the end of the world or something. Like, y’know… “At 2:20:20 on 02-02-2020 preee-cisely, dadgum if’n it ain’t gon’ be th’ end of th’ dang ol’ world! Get yo’selfs right with Heaven, Y’all!”
But I know what I’m gonna do.
Keep the radio and TV on, ’cause it’ll be that time and day in Australia WAY before it is where I am. If I hear, on 02-01-2020 (which will be the next day already in Australia) that Australia… I dunno, fell off the planet or burst into flames or something even weirder, then we’ll know that Rev’rund Peavine Forrest Bubba Huckleberry was right. We’ll have HOURS to say, “Well, doggone if he wasn’t right. Hey, let’s go loot a store or something before the end of the world.”
Hmm. That wasn’t at all what I had intended to say today.
Australia’s on fire now. America has 4 hours to prepare for The End.
Japan reaches the end of the world before Australia does. We’re not on fire yet. It’s too cold for fire. No snow, either, though. Just boring. America will meet its doom through boredom. 2,000 cable channels, and nothing to watch during the sermons.
You probably already said on here somewhere, but where are you in Japan? I was at Yokota AB west of Tokyo for 6 1/2 years. Had a great time in Japan, especially when I got away from the base.
Was in Takadanobaba, near Shinjuku, for a year. Moved to an area near Noborito just outside Kawasaki on the Tamagawa river. Currently down at the south end of Kyushu in Kagoshima. Got close to Yokota once, but never actually on base. Worked in Akihabara for a year, that was my favorite place. Currently got a live volcano in my backyard, so it’s not all that bad here right now.
My daughter and I used to bicycle along the Tamagawa from Fussa up to Ome and also downstream, though I can’t remember now how far we went downstream. We loved the little parks along the way and the bike paths.
When I first got to Japan one of my coworkers and I spent a day in Akihabara, taking the train both ways and stopping at a coffee shop in Shinjuku on the way back. Akihabara was like a large series of toy stores for us computer nerds.
I enjoyed my time in Japan and did a lot more sight seeing than most folks stationed there did.
Yeah, I was effectively 2-3 blocks from the Tama. I’d ride my bike up through Chofu, Fuchu and to Ome, or over to the Asagawa, to Hachioji and then Takao (for 50-70 mile rides on Sundays).
For me, Akihabara was the place for electronic components, kits, and used classic manga. Plus, I took a lot of photos for my Japan blog.
You live near Noborito?
I’m also right next door to Notaco.
You poor poor man!
If DC goes up in smoke, it’ll be a bit too late for some folks to be repentin’. Others, like you said, will try to get some looting in before they have to get right. Don’t know what they’ll do with them big screen TVs with the world blowing up, but some folks figure they gotta have ’em.
I’m’a go right along with you on that rant, Greg.
Give Jackie her wig back, is all I’m saying!
Happy 2020 Greg…!
Oops! Spelt “Jacquée” wrong, didn’t I!
I actually know people who tell stories that way. It really does make it hard to understand what happened. I either ask (multiple times) for details If it seems I need to do something about the results, or I give up and make a non-committal noise.
Hey! that date y’all are dissin is MY momma’s Bday
90 years old. We’re doing a big bash the day before, with lots of descendants.
It’s my dad’s birthday too. He’ll be 89.
My nickname is The “Cigarbinger”
But what about 02-20-2020?
And what about 10-10-2020 with the month and day in binary? Er’body knows you gotta consider binary if yer gonna get all apocolo-kriptical about dates ‘n stuff.
Otoh, none of us knows how long we have as individuals, so, there’s that.