Mrs. Biner, it seems, has been harboring a lifelong, if slightly outdated, ambition for her only child.
And, of course, Kara seems to have gotten the sense of it at a young age, and did what she does. She competed with it.
Didn’t drive it out of her head, though, I mean, she DID jump straight at the chance to settle down as soon as it presented it itself.
Doctor Baby Popper. Isn’t there already a TV show with that theme?
Doctor pimple popper yeah xD So are any doctors that help deliever babies called that? *thinks*
Momma Biner is gonna have a planters wart shoved up her behind soon.
Mom just shot Steve in the foot.
“Mom, I don’t want children.”
“Can I get a different mom? This one is broken.”
Karabomb in 3… 2… 1…
“Dr. Biner, so why did you sign up to earn your _third_ emergent care specialty certification…so suddenly, after that chat with your Mom?”
Also, nice move Greg with the pregnancy poster in the background…
Mother might know best, but she should also know better.
I got this from my mother for years. Get married, have kids, I want grandchildren. I rebelled by graduating college, the only one of three kids who did, never marrying, and am happily involved only with my friends and horse. Kids always seemed insane to me with the way the world is, and significant others gotta be more important than the horse, which is a high bar to clear.