I’m not sure Jimmy is quick to allow that anyone, even Self Proclaimed Management, is higher on the ladder of command than he is.
I’m not sure Jimmy wouldn’t have told a customer to go make the coffee while he went to turn on the lights.
I imagine Jimmy saying “&%*$ needs doing, and you’re standing around. You want the ^%$@ badminton set? Make some coffee while the lights and the register gets turned on! &%*$ needs doing, do some &%*$!!”
Why am I blanking on Jimmy? Foul mouthed characters are usually my favorites. Little help?
I blame the lack of oxygen.
So, when Jimmy gets his coffee, he turns into the nicest person ever, right?
You don’t want Jimmy to make coffee. So strong the spoon either dissolves or stand straight up.
So, Navy coffee, right? Jimmy reminds me of an old school chief.
Ah, yes! The new ensign meets the old chief, who’s been in the Navy longer than the ensign’s been alive. Always entertaining, especially if the ensign actually thinks he’s in charge.
I was Air Force, but it’s the same principle. We usually have better coffee though.
I was Air Force also, but I do have several Navy friends. They will, of course, claim that Navy coffee is the best in the world, but I agree that Air Force coffee is generally better. Although, I knew an Air Force nurse who liked her coffee at least as strong as Navy coffee.
We were lucky with the two second lieutenants who came into our shop where the Chief (AF, E-9) was superintendent. They knew what they didn’t know.
I worked comm, and I started complaining about whoever would always take the last cup without making a fresh pot. The SMSgt stopped me and told me that he was the one taking the last cup, and that I did not want him making the coffee. Point taken. From then on out, when he took the last cup he’d yell “Lindley” and I knew it was time for me to make a fresh pot.
At least we didn’t use a shovel to fill the coffeemaker. We had a retired sailor working as a contractor, and he told me of the time he learned the hard way the difference between the potable and the sea water aboard ship. The coffee that time was definitely not potable.
I was Army 1972. One time some jerk laced the coffee with some LSD. I spent all day rounding up those who drank said coffee. Doc sent about twenty to their rooms in the barracks to ride it out. That was strong coffee that day!
I vote we rename Mal “Manny.” Because we can.
Reminds me of Fluffy’s driver Dave! https://youtu.be/lt5NLhplPMQ