He’s lucky he’s got all his plans made, otherwise, when he got kicked into the line of fire… oh, wait. If he HADN’T been making his final plans, he wouldn’t have been kicked into the line of fire…
He’s lucky he’s got all his plans made, otherwise, when he got kicked into the line of fire… oh, wait. If he HADN’T been making his final plans, he wouldn’t have been kicked into the line of fire…
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He wouldn’t have been such a big target if he’d hadn’t been acting like such a big shot.
Back in the day when I participated in more risky pastimes, when one of our group would get into a particularly precarious situation it would start:
“If something bad happens can I have your gear?”
“Hey, if you don’t make it can I have your TV?”
“If you die can I have your car?”
“If you don’t make it can I have your wife?”
Tango Down…..we are Oscar Mike!!
Reminds me of the old Spy vs Spy cartoons.
The kick-er didn’t think this through. Once the kick-ee was so unceremoniously punted into play… there is no way to get the phone off their body (prying it out of their grip) without exposing self, until after the event is over. Which by that time it will be too late to record a last will and testament for the kick-er before they die in battle. Ah sigh, impulse and not thinking it through.
Looks like he was right. He didn’t survive all THIS.