I guess you can tell we’re getting closer to the end of the campfire story.
Time for someone to sneak up behind all of us and shout “BOO!”
I guess you can tell we’re getting closer to the end of the campfire story.
Time for someone to sneak up behind all of us and shout “BOO!”
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that face in the last panel is what i can imagine Hubris seeing when he’s having a nightmare starring paste. lol
“And we’ve been celebrating Beau’s memory at this fest ever since. The end. By the way, anyone planning on riding The Shears in the duct tape race tomorrow?”
Very interesting use of colors and backgrounds. So now we know where Stanky Creek got its name.
Yep, so Stanky creek was named for the Stankys. Still someone has to have survived to tell this story onwards…
Want to put money on that?