I decided to put the Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Triathlon into the comic months and months ago, like back in July or August.  Now, we’re almost there in Comic Strip Time.

Time is weird in comic strips.  I think I’ve said it before… it takes about two seconds, on average, to read a comic strip.  That means that, if your storyline has to follow all the characters actions (a conversation, for instance) closely for any reason, it could take a solid month to tell a minute or two worth of ‘real world’ story.

It also means that Dennis the Menace, if we’re to believe that he’s aged no more than about a year and a half over the last 60 years or so, has gotten into enough trouble that his parents should be thinking about having him confined in some sort of high-observation facility where the walls can’t be set on fire under any conceivable circumstances.

And that Hubris has lived about a month or two since I started the website in 2010.  You know what that means?

Yeah.  Me neither.