This is the March 1999 cartoon I did for The Bench Jeweler, a trade newspaper published by a large jewelry wholesaler (Fargotstein’s & Sons- Great people). I don’t remember how often I did these cartoons. It may have been monthly, bi-monthly or even quarterly or even all three, depending on the year. but I started doing them before I had a computer in the studio and they ended in, I think, 2000. I still very occasionally have someone track me down to ask if there was ever a book or anything. I doubt there were ever enough cartoons to do a whole book- maybe fifty exist. Because they were done so infrequently and over such a long period and drawn at different sizes, the art style changes a bit. I may try to dig up one of the earlier originals (they were done on 22 inch bristol paper) and scan one in to color and include here one day. That’d be cool. This one was drawn, scanned, and turned into vector art for coloring: