I think I mentioned when this one first ran that it’s pretty much wrung straight from life.
I loved me some whitewater kayaking, and there were some months when I only got to go on one weekend, maybe. And so I got one of those mood-setting CDs (remember CDs?) and put it in the CD player (remember CD players?) and it was sounds of whitewater, more or less. I think it was a two and a half minute loop, though- spun out for an hour.
And yeah… Whitewater sounds like static. Or something being sizzled on a grill. Or… I dunno. It’s white noise. After a while, you don’t even hear it- it’s just for blocking out other sounds.
So maybe I didn’t buy static. Maybe I bought an invisible wall to keep out the sounds of the rest of the world.
Might have been worth it after all.