I figure Clem takes as long to describe events as the events themselves took.
It’s like having a 1 to 1 scale map of life.
I figure Clem takes as long to describe events as the events themselves took.
It’s like having a 1 to 1 scale map of life.
A little exposition seemed to be in order today…
If only to disguise the punchline that was coming. I hope you didn’t see it coming.
Did you guys do this? You had to call “No Tag Backs” when the game started, otherwise, tag backs were allowed and complicated things for the slower-reflexed people in the group.
I don’t recall worrying a lot about tag backs, but I don’t want to admit that I was really fast at touching people and running away.
Played a couple games of disc golf this past weekend.
I gotta start remembering to take photos when I do stuff.
I’m so twentieth century.
Tag is supposed to be a big deal now, right? Movies and game shows and stuff?
Tag is a good game. Straightforward. Not a lot of crazy rules.
Welcome to October Country, where fallen leaves disguise things on the trails that will knock you right the heck off your unicycle.
I’m posting this cartoon early, ’cause I’m going to meet up with a bunch of cartoonists. One of them is John, whom I’m hoping will agree to come back in here and get me back on track with my Patreon updating and acting like I’m running a real thing here. Wish me luck. We’re also gonna draw for the kids at another children’s hospital. That’s always good fun. And I’m doing a talk about how to get yourself made a member of the National Cartoonists Society. If you wanna be a member, just ask me how. I’ll tell ya.
Some of you will be old enough to remember (at least in syndication?) seeing TV shows that add “IN COLOR” at the end of the title sequence. Typically, it’s stuff like ‘Bewitched’ or ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’ or some police shows that started off in black and white, but they wanted the viewing public to know that, by golly, if you’re watching in black and white, you’re missing out on a hot new thing they were offering the public.
When I first made a new file folder for this website and labeled it ‘Hubris’, I didn’t want to confuse it with the older folders that had ‘Because It’s There’ and ‘Hubris’ packages for the syndicates. So in a merry spirit and recalling those old syndicated TV shows that made sure you knew you were getting the best technology could offer, I named the folder ‘Hubris In Color’ even though the cartoons were still uncolored when I named the file. I planned to color them before I put them on the web- assuring myself that it’d make people enjoy them so much more than if I just stuck the plain ol’ comic strips on there.
It’s still the same folder I use, even though the folder and files inside it would have burst an old analog file folder long ago.
I’ve been meaning to mention it for the past eight years. Hubris… IN COLOR!
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